UKVITEST is an independent Exam preparation and Booking website that provides training and exam booking services to candidates who are applying for various visa applications. The Certificate achieved by candidate is issued by Trinity College London or British Council & LanguageCert who are approved by HomeOffice to provide SELT Exams. The total fees include preparation material, exam fees and other services.
This booking website helps candidates to book the English Exam for various visa applications. Home office requires all candidates to pass a certain level of English Exam before applying for their visa. Please speak to our advisors if you are not sure which English Exam you have to appear for your application or go through our Type of English Exams section for more information.
Currently Home Office is accepting English Exams from Trinity College London or British Council Certificates. Once you have booked your Exam through UKVITEST website, you will appear in one the nearest Home Office approved Test Centre for your English Exam or Life in the UK Test. You can appear exam in SELT approved test centres only which are Trinity College London and British Council.
UKVITEST offers free change of Exam Date or Personal Details (within a given time period). The training material is designed by qualified assessors and each candidate receives free training material after the booking. We also offer Free Mock test for English Exams. In case you want to avail this service, please to speak to the advisor at the end of your booking process.
To find out which dates are available for English Exam or Life in the UK Test, visit our Book Exam Section. If you need any date urgently then speak to our advisor and they will help you.